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Best Taxi Ride Ever?

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The picture above documents a taxi ride my Nicaragua travel fellows and I shared from Rivas to Bahia Majagual (more or less) in the SW of Nica. Beginning at 6:30/7:00 a.m. and lasting through close to 9:00, the ride provided nonstop entertainment including but not limited to some brazenly blasted "Take My Breath Away", a necessary nescafe/coca-light stop, some Foreigner, a demi-size steering wheel built for the racetrack, a tinted windshield, accusations of 7:00 a.m. rum drinking, a satisfying banana/lime/rum/gallo pinto stop, many a perilous road crossing (resulting once in complete rutting-out, which required at least 6 Nicaraguan caballeros to push 'er through the slick mud) and a river drop-off. Nicaragua: bless.


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