This blog gets my opposite of goat!


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It was enjoyably warm enough yesterday for me and my freshly scrubbed but still squeaky bicycle to be looking and feeling pretty zesty by the time we got into the loop. Now it's significantly colder, wet, gusty and grey but not enough so of any of these to result in discomfort. Makes me wanna go boating, and by boating I mean rowing in the moonlight, or maybe just sitting on a dock.

I am reading a second book by Anne Lamott and it is great.

Dental Charity (from two posts ago) Concluded: misery brought our sorry cast of characters together for a lovely little experience. I laughed more (from delirium caused by a plunging core temperature, mostly) than I usually do over the span of a good ten workdays, Jake made multiple trips to the laundromat to dry his chilled socks/feets, I spent some alone time with hot cocoa in the Dunkin Donuts bathroom (it's hot as Hades in there --amazing!), the Terry-Gross-lit-toting mama's husband and their three blonde-ringletted chilluns stopped by to deliver hot beverages, we learned all about Hustlemann's myriad projects and multple shawtiez, delved deep into the textures of his and Ran's relationship, and I spent some QT in Ran's truck post-cleaning (I was cavity free!), discussing Hustlemann's extraction and life in Gary Indiana while trying to stay a healthy distance away from the heaters. I was chilled the rest of the day, but no complaints. None. The end.

Maoxie 'Wild About Diamonds" Moonpie is going through some serious hormonal changes. Jake thinks they correlate directly to market fluctuations. I'm inclined to agree. Hopefully the HKEX and SSE will settle down because our sweet MANpie needs some peace!


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