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The week's breaking news: expiration of the moniker "Maoxie Moonpie"; our one-time-southern-belle of a benevolent feline currently responds more readily to Maoxie Man-Pie. Heavens. Does this look like a dude to you? I mean, I think it's easy to understand why we were confused for so many months.

I have been letting my brows run Sasquatch for weeks now in the name of soon getting them either waxed or threaded. Both of these options are steps in new directions and readily available in my neighborhood. How to choose, I wonder.

Last week's Zeitgeist: the South Side, which I visited not once but thrice in seven days. On MLKJr (Milk In A Keg Jr) Day I visited U of C's campus to hear Julian Bond speak. His message was definitely polarizing, but also very compelling; I left feeling uneasy, but maybe that's what one is supposed to be feeling on MLKJr Day. Maybe!? Other trips featured an RTA meeting (caught the tail end of it but 'twas informative nonetheless), a trip to the 63rd-and-Stoney-Island YMCA (where I did a partial 7:30 mile on the treadmill and felt amazing), and one to help water orchids at the manse (mansch). The South Side, friends, is definitely growing on me.

Other big news: I have 60 new G's of hard drive to keep my playlist robust. In 3 days Rufus will be crooning to me and Jake from the inside of Hill Auditorium, and in 4 days we'll test the new passport laws [edit --> Mom says such laws are for air travel only, 'til '08, but we'll bring 'em anyway] on the way to Windsor. Big excitement!


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