This blog gets my opposite of goat!

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The History of the 5 Boroughs below is in fact not my creation. I helped contribute only minorly to its nascence and, well, I feel that it shouldn't be at the top of my blog. That picture of H-Hud, though -- was wholly my doing, and the doing was wholly enjoyable. I'd make another one of those using the scanner at work and my cube-neighbor's sharpie in a red hot second. In fact, first thing tomorrow I just may.

Friday Dave came into town and we met up with cousin(s in law) to drive down and then up (around Lake Michigan) to Grand Rapids. Good times were had, despite the distinct lack of a Taco Bell/Pizza Hut Hybrid en route. Beyond the aesthetic of G.R.'s 28th street, the weekend was a good one of visiting with long-lost family, having conversations about aging rock stars, wine tasting, Blue Moon drinking, gift giving and Taboo playing.

Yesterday at dinner we decided that the best meal to serve with moonshine made from boiled-down ham hocks and collard greens (and also known as "potlicker," accd. to Dave) is definitely Velveeta suspended in clear gelatin. I will be sure to thoroughly document the feat of serving and consuming both when it transpires. Soon, I say -- soon.



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