This blog gets my opposite of goat!


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On Saturday, while blitzing home at 2 mph (thanks to RoBlag for an amazingly convoluted highway construction scheme) from Mitsuwa, Jake, Kim and I passed over a mysteriously-named street: Searl Street. Searl?! What could a word like that possibly reference, we wondered? Some Monday lunchtime googling led, perhaps falsely but certainly not uninterestingly, to a page detailing the Searl Effect as documented by disciples of Dr. John Searl. If nothing else, please explore at least these photos, and read the following excerpt:

"Prof. John Searl is the ONLY man in history to have built and flown an antigravity device called a LEVITY DISC.

The power source for this amazing disc can . . . be used to generate electricity with no apparent input from outside. Because of the obvious economical repercussions to the big money oil industries, this marvelous invention was squelched.

Prof. Searl has offered this wonderful boon to all mankind since 1946. The story of his hardships and persecution is a long one. Long after most men would have given in to the pressures of big business and corrupt government officials he has come back one last time to offer this inspired work to the world.

The Searl Effect Generator (SEG) is a magnetic prime mover that operates with no friction. The SEG generates electricity that is capable of supplying power to the home or industry. When used in an Inverse-G-Vehicle, the SEG generates a gravitational field around the craft which can be directed for flight.

If we the people of the world choose to use this marvelous technology, we could eliminate pollution from the internal combustion engine and the various methods of home and industrial heating. Anything that can be run electrically can be driven by an S.E.G. with virtually no pollution and no use of fuel as we know it." -The Searl Effect

Sure. That's great. So, then, where was Prof. Searl's wonderful boon this morning when I woke up to an electricity-less apartment? Lacking such a wonderful boon I was unable to dry my hair which led to me not showering which meant . . . Ew. I think I would rather have stayed home than felt scalpy1 all day. Damn you and your empty promises, Searl.

The non-showering was made worse by the fact that yesterday evening was spent at the Roller Derby, a la fledgling Chicago area league the Chi Town Sirens. Both the party bus and the bout provided for some great times, but they also promoted the nesting in my hair of plentiful smoky/boozy aromas. Oh well. None of my photos really capture the derbygeist but if you stare long enough at the photo below then perhaps you can pretend to imagine. Please try.

1 I guess scalpy isn't a word. Well, it should be.


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