This blog gets my opposite of goat!

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Living in a house of five this year has been interesting. Our kitchen got pretty filthy at times, the living room was an icebox for five straight months, and everyone (party-goers and visiting mothers especially) wreaked havoc on Maoxie's gender-confused emotions. Still, it has been a fairly comfortable living situation, seasoned with plenty of Happy's fried chicken runs, Top Chef marathons, gossip, and hard feline drugs. For today, though, I've got the pool to myself: the roommates are dispersed to northern michigan (2, temporarily), California (1, temporarily) and DC (1, foreverrrrr), and it's shockingly subdued and quiet around here. I guess that's the cue for me to bust out the power sander and cause a ruckus. I started disassembling/sanding my bike for painting about three weeks ago and it's high past time to finish the job.


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