This blog gets my opposite of goat!

[Bullet] Points of Light

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  • Much like the aftermath of the [Double] Dim Sum feeding of both two weeks and one week ago, that of Friday's BK-Then-McDonald's extravaganza (veggie burger at the former, ice cream and coffee at the latter) involved severe intestinal duress. Never again. Until next time.

  • Dave looks pretty good on TV [click on Meat Loaf Madness, hear/see him rock out at the beginning and then play Where's Waldo throughout. It's cool].

  • Riding through a pile of glass with one's ancient Schwinn pretty near guarantees a[nother] flat tire. Gosh. Fortunately I am getting pretty good at changing ye ole' inner tube, or at least at asking the right people for help.

  • Not only is it uncomfortable to have to pee while tailgating -- it is also DANGEROUS. Apparently one's body must work overtime to keep ye ole' sack of urine (some might call it a bladder) from freezing from the inside-out. They tell me it's science.

  • And now A MOVIE REVIEW: Michel Gondry's The Science of Sleep is very tactile, ergonomic (aesthetic?) and pleasurable to watch. It made me giggle a lot, and smile. I wanted to do felt-crafting afterward but was left able to neither form complete thoughts nor convey them. All I wanted was for someone to rub my belly. If the combination of these effects appeals to you, go see it.

  • And finally, this week's Zeitgeist is the concept of glowing points of light blitzing seperately but equally along either parallel lines, great circles or rhumb lines. It's a vaguely esoteric (but not really) idea that I would simply love to discuss over, say, some Orange Crush and Mandarin Absolut at the world's classiest tailgage with anyone who's interested . Call me.


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