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Fall Break '07 4 Lyfe

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Today's + tomorrow's holidays from class = Fall Break '07! Thanks, Michigan. To celebrate briefly before this week's onslaught of midterms, some fellow first-years (from Cali, R.I. and Illinois) and I blitzed up north Friday evening for a nonstop Northwestern Michigan Extravaganza. In fifty-five hours we: made & consumed delicious mulled Franzia, ran along West GT Bay, sampled each edible item at Cherry Republic, beveraged at Good Harbor, breakfasted at the Omelette Shoppe, purchased butternut squash and expensive soap at the Farmer's Market, cased the Dunes, tried some lemon squares in Glen Arbor, had bison burgers at Sleder's, imbibed Schlitz Blue Bull and then slept on a houseboat on Lake Charlevoix, experienced the longest breakfast ever at The Alcove, puttered around the Apple Festival, boated on Lake Michigan and Lake Charlevoix, drank tea in TC, dined at Giovanni's in Interlochen, watched genius high-schoolers do improv and said hi to The Beej at ILochen, and then drove back to AA. It. Was. Amazing. Below: Antics @ Pierce Stocking. Wee.

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