This blog gets my opposite of goat!

After dropping Dave off at the airport this morning I decided I was in the mood for travel. The DTW smelled like what I remembered of Mexico City somehow, and flight seemed inevitable. Disappointingly, eerily empty I94 led me straight back to Ann Arbor. Next time I'm going to Canada instead. Wee.

Anyone in Ann Arbor on June 1st should come witness the spectacle of at least three Urban Planning grad students, myself included, blitzing through the Dexter-Ann Arbor half marathon. After yesterday's trial 12ish mile run (the Huron was so pretty yesterday morning, but owch!) I'm predicting a stupendous outcome. Some committed spectators have revealed plans to drive alongside us with forties in hand, so perhaps you can join them.

Also, I am 2.5 seasons deep into The Wire, and Wallace (deceased) is probably sill my favorite character. But Pearlman and Daniels? I simply cannot support that relationship. The end.

Living in a house of five this year has been interesting. Our kitchen got pretty filthy at times, the living room was an icebox for five straight months, and everyone (party-goers and visiting mothers especially) wreaked havoc on Maoxie's gender-confused emotions. Still, it has been a fairly comfortable living situation, seasoned with plenty of Happy's fried chicken runs, Top Chef marathons, gossip, and hard feline drugs. For today, though, I've got the pool to myself: the roommates are dispersed to northern michigan (2, temporarily), California (1, temporarily) and DC (1, foreverrrrr), and it's shockingly subdued and quiet around here. I guess that's the cue for me to bust out the power sander and cause a ruckus. I started disassembling/sanding my bike for painting about three weeks ago and it's high past time to finish the job.

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