This blog gets my opposite of goat!

So This is Christmas

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Man, I can't wait to get my photos off of my phone and into cyberspace.

So, although this society isn't a "Christian" one in some senses of the word, it has chosen to adopt Christmas as its own. And because there is no pithy nuisance of a holiday (such as Thanksgiving) for storefront decorators to impatiently surmount, the PARCO across the street from my NOVA office is already sporting Christmas decorations. At first, I was excited to see such a show of festivity. However, my excitement has been wholeheartedly squelched by two facets of this premature celebration.

1) Storefronts here are already so garish that at night time, when they should be spectacular, the lit up trees don't so much augment the atmosphere of crazy-city-lights as take a backseat to it. Sad.

2) The PARCO display includes a soundtrack of three songs. One of them is some crappy Christmas song by WHAM, and another is Happy Christmas by John Lennon. Both play at least 6 times an hour. And we can most definitely hear this heavy rotation from the fifth floor during each and every lesson. So this is Christmas? Apparently so.


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