Today is September 23rd! In an ideal world it would be
Micvatrietta's birthday. But, sadly, it's not. Some thoughts:
--> "The mustaches! No! Not on the young! Mustaches are for people's fathers, and, sometimes, ugly porn stars, and also Tom Selleck, but that is it! Enough!" -
A wise soul indeed
--> One of the female contestants on this season's HOT premier of ABC's The Bachelor used the word
nilch as a synonym for
zero. Sadly, sugarlips, 'tain't a word . . .
mercenary anyone? Doesn't that mean, like, someone who shares all if not most character traits with Mother Teresa? I though so. If I find myself back in the pines of Northern Michigan next summer, rest assured that these words and non-words with their respective definitions and non-definitions will find their ways onto the HQ door alongside pictures of
David Bowie standing akimbo.
--> I loved High Fidelity the second time around. I hadn't seen it since high school, and I don't remember liking it as much as I did this time. Thanks Blockbuster! Oh John Cusack. On an only slightly related note, Eternal Sunshine comes out on DVD in five days.