This blog gets my opposite of goat!

Sayonara Fajha Thyme

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The end of the year is a time for lists. Sinceee over 90% of my 2005 was spent in Asia, here are the top ten things I miss about Japan; now that I'm separated from it by a hemisphere and a buffer of two weeks, I can idealize it ALL I WANT!

1) The food. mmmm okonomiyaki
2) The convenience stores and the jubilant welcoming irashaimase!
3) Efficient use of space in buildings and city layouts
4) Public Transportation to the max
5) My daily dose of conversations with wealthy housewives
6) My coworkers and apartmentmates and their English-speaking diversity
7) Skinny (willowy?) peoplewatching and fashionwatching
8) Being able to read/ipod/sleep while going to and from work
9) Amazing customer service
10) My vodafone cellular mobile portable wizard

But of course now that I'm back there are plenty of things that are great about the USA:

1) Low Prices . . . hurray!
2) Sleeping in a bed, elevated two feet from ground level. Fantastic.
3) Hot water in the washing machine = clean!
4) A sense of privacy when out running
5) Big Gulps
6) Many English books in one tangible, accessible place
7) Being able to easily communicate my thoughts
8) Wireless internet in public places
9) Lots of motivated people
10) Snow

So there you have it, the good of each hemisphere in an all-knowing nutshell. They're both so great! I'm so TORN! Kind of. But all in all, it's good to be back. IN A BED! Hurray. The end. So, Happy New Year 2006!


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