This blog gets my opposite of goat!

On Penance and Inclemencies

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To repent for losing my $20 7-day CTA pass before even opening it I decided to try my hand at biking to work all week long. Being that it's an abbreviated one (I'm blitzing to the UP [not to be mistaken for this UP] tomorrow), I figured there would be few-to-no hitches in my new four-day biking lifestyle. Plus, if one is not 100% (in the sense of being a youthful lady, an employee, and a posessor of a rather zesty mind) satisfied by one's job, one's commute should clearly be the type to yield a sweaty arrival, and to require antics a la bathing-on-the-train-from-Hong-Kong-to-Guilin.

Sadly, such an arrival/antics don't succeed in ameliorating unexpected monkey wrenches in the cogs o' life; yesterday's trip home was met with a steady downpour, invoking camaraderie from fellow commuters and feelings of oneness with nature, but also cold bone marrow and a wet hoodie. Hmmm. I'm not sure if it's an experience I'd like to repeat, though I must, for the sake of principles and regardless of mama nature's wrath should she choose to unleash it, bicycle again at least tomorrow.

To add a positive spin to the scenario, just two hours ago my dear friend and former roommate Ryan totally tightened my bike's handlebars, raised its seat and pumped its tires and, well, first of all I mean that claim in NO WAY metaphorically and second of all I had the sweetest ride home EVER.

Unrelatedly, today's photography is of my fantastic Melbournian friend Megan & me . . . I think this was in Shibuya, by Hachiko, last fall?! Oh, and here's one of Jake, too, the night I bought my camera approx. 12 getsu ago. He's coming back to A-Ville on Saturday! I'll have a roommate again. Let the sake flow like R.C. Cola upon a glistening MoonPie!


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