This blog gets my opposite of goat!

The District

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I flew into Reagan International last night, and it's been grey and rainy since my arrival. The 18 hours since taxiing on the tarmac have so far encompassed two driving tours through The District, some throwback dance moves at the Clarendon Ballroom, a lovely and extremely extended brunch with Jess and former fellow ILochen counselor A.Little (who lives something like a four- or five-minute drive away from J.Bev) and -- soon -- a nap. During brunch the conclusion was met that all of my friends must be simultaneously a) in MeatLoaf's band and b) on a Chinatown bus, while all of Little's friends must carry cans with strings (for telephonic purposes). These qualities we seek in our acquaintances are nearly mutually exclusive, which explains why we rarely communicate.

A large portion of yesterday was spent hoping that Chicago would win its 2016 Olympic Bid (link leads to inspirational youtube video -- much more soulful than LA's), and then wondering from the frisbee pitch if it had. Welllll, it DID and it's most certainly stirring. Hooray Chi '16!


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