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Feats of Strength 2007

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Yesterday instead of a forty-hour work week I clocked a forty-one-and-two-thirds-mile bike day, and trust me -- it was really satisfying.

For those interested, yesterday I also played frisbee for approximately 2 hours (I like the summer team -- a pleasant bunch for sure), applied for one internship, was in the same building as Al Gore for one red hot second, made a McDonald's employee smile after complimeting her incredible soft-serve craftsmanship, and got a Border's employee to readily admit he hates Al Gore Crowd Control.

Also worth noting, because of its rarity: two nights ago I got asked out by a fellow cyclist while blitzing down Clark, which was really interesting and only slightly awkward. I was completely unshowered and on my way to yoga, and the guy's bike was orange. Then yesterday, on my way to Al Gore's vicinity, a gentleman outside the post office gave me a long lecture about taking care of the smear of bike grease on my right calf, which was more than slightly awkward; I aborted the situation as quickly as possible. Then last evening, after the 41-mile blitz, everyone in the universe steered clear of me. The end.


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