This blog gets my opposite of goat!


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Cafe Bong, just south of Ardmore on Clark, treated us very sweetly on this our last night in Andersonville. After we'd emptied our wallets of a combined $7 cash & the Korean proprietress had downed her fourth tequila shot of the evening, our beerz were on the house as we karaoke'd to Toto, the Backtreet Boys and Like a Virgin for the oscillating amusement, horror and disregard of our fellow barmates. Perhaps I will celebrate my 25th there. Yes. No. Yes.

Maoxie OD'd on Catnip tonight, and our natural reaction was to dress shim in xer vestments of yore; a truncated pant leg with slits for armholes. Tomorrow ze's going to Erin & Ollie's for a trial separation month of rolling on Palatinean carpet. Also tomorrow we pack up all our earthly belongings and get out of dodge. And I interview to live in a co-op for the summer. All these things will be done fueled by Bong memories, naturally. I can't wait.


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