No SColson, there are no
banana flavoried laffies here in Japan. Sometimes I find local tastes to be a little baffling, but usually -- particularly in the case of the absence of banana flavored laffies -- they are dead on. Dead on, I say.
Work's been good, the weather's been gorgeous, I can't believe tomorrow is December, and I think I'm getting sick. I have taught many a student the delightful new vocabulary word "echinacea." They like it. And so do I. One student -- Tadahiro (I could change his name for identity protection, but the liklihood any of you know this krazy koot is nilch) -- came in for a lesson ridiculously sick and face-mask-clad. Such dedication! I lectured him for a full 5 minutes about the benefits of echinacea.
I can't wait to travel soon, I just can't. Sorry about the lack of interesting stories.