This blog gets my opposite of goat!

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Wow, nobody cared about my last post. I swear I didn't spend many precious moments over a, say, 48 hour period forcing arguments about the topic with my father, who didn't care either. Ohhhh well.

So I've been doing a little bit of what I like to call "freelance scanning" at my momma's workplace. See, her office is full of accountants unabashedly diving into the fury of tax season like eager beavers gnawing away at a giant redwood. Nobody there can spare the 40 or 50 or 60 hours that it's going to take to scan approximately a millions files (comprised of at least a billion individual pages) into the compy, thus Eliz's emergence as a freelance scanner. Anyway, since my experience workin' in nippon was wholly un-officey (in the American sense, anyway) I am trying to decide if I am enjoying my current office environment or not. I must say I do enjoy the availability of coffee, snacks and discarded hardware. I do not, however, enjoy the prevalence of staples and paper-cuts. NOBODY INVITED THEM. So it's a toss-up.

CDoughe1 recently reminded me of a time when 336 held the biggest cache of calorie-free beverages in the Midwest. I think I speak for everyone when I say I lament the passage of time inasmuch as those days are gone. Alas.


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