This blog gets my opposite of goat!

Kegged Milk's Opposite

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Woah this picture block is awesome. To create it I actually had to use algebra, a time-consuming activity indicating that my freelance scanning days have come to a bittersweet end, in much the same way as did this delicious bundt coke cake. Ah, the overlapping wheel-of-fortune-esque circles of culinary and office life, how they move us all toward finding our ways on our respective paths unwinding (more here).

These photos speak for themselves so there's no need to caption. Let me just say that I found it strikingly un-opposite-kegged-milk that my chosen recipe called for buttermilk and, might I add, strictly prohibited diet cola from entering the mix. What would MLKJr say about that?. Nevertheless, despite the cake's confusing ingredients and my failure to flour the pan (which I believe was the cause of its eminent demise of form), it was sweet, moist and delicious and managed to disappear from our counter in a matter of days.

Most importantly? It tasted great with a cold, tall glass of [kegged] milk. Consider it a metaphorical lesson, or don't. Either way, don't be afraid to make your own.


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