This blog gets my opposite of goat!

The Power of Man

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I heard this broadcast on the morning drive to work yesterday, and it lead to a heavy 8:00 - 9:00 time-frame internet search that yielded information about 1) the quintippio, 2) The Onion's take on 5 blades, 3) references to a 1975 SNL commercial touting the Triple-Track Razor, 4) unrequited message-board inquiries about the Mach 14 Platinum, and other stuff. I wonder what it's like to work in R&D at Schick, Gillette, Bic, etc . . . Exciting? Stimulating? Dare I say, cutting edge? Or just ridiculous?!

And, some other thoughts: Traverse City has been cold, all week. Brr. Thankfully, Bikram has been hot (though my personal expression of Bikram has been a little slow and rusty, partially due to awfully sore medial hamstrings from the standing-separate-leg-stretching pose). Also if you're curious about Shinto and/or other Asian Religions [coughDADcough] don't hesitate to check 'em out. Plus, today a constable came into work to track down an employee. THRILLING! Penultimately, I think I'm retaining water. And, lastly, I'm trying to give up crappy coffee due in part to the information in Caffeine Blues. Originally I was thinking no-coffee-ever-again, but I don't think it's right to deny oneself quality coffee 4 lyfe.


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