This blog gets my opposite of goat!

Feliz Cumpleanos

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My world expands and contracts with each breath and with every hour. It's very weird. Being in the gaijin bubble of Tokyo is an interesting experience. So, some days I get excited about the smallest things, and other days I feel above everything.

That said, the other day I become completely extatic upon discovering that one of the French teachers at my school is fully tapped into the wonders of ZOOLANDER. He even has a tight black shirt with Zoolander written across the front (or so he claims, anyway. I haven't seen it. But who would make that up?). I didn't know French people could be so cool. I did know, however, that the way they say "Elizabeth" is completely endearing (even if they are not so endearing in other respects). Next time you come across a citizen of France or Quebec, ask them to say it. A small smile will cross your lips and you will feel happy for at least 17 seconds.

Happy Emperor's Birthday. And Christmas! I taught in Kunitachi today and was wooed by a musical ensemble of adults playing Beatles covers outside the local Starbucks. It was very festive, really.


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