This blog gets my opposite of goat!

Foiled Grilling, etc.

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I don't think I've written a weekend play-by-play in many moons. Ready Set GO.

Friday I got pretty sick, possibly due in part to a delicious omelet and pancake dinner at the Golden Nugget. I was up until 4:00 a.m. Gross.

Saturday the weather was beautiful in the a.m. and as Jake and I had been impressed while carrying out an epic 20k1 run up to Montrose Harbor sometime last week, four of us decided to head up there for grilling and sake drinking to celebrate hanami (for an alternate explanation/account of 2005's debauchery look no further). It was an awesome idea until a steely army of clouds absconded with all available sunlight, the temperature dropped sharply, our 46 pounds of meat refused to cook all the way through, and we were foiled by both a lack of tinfoil (oh, snap!) and the non-existence of fuel for starting/maintaining the type of trash-can bonfire that our neighbors were cultivating much to our green-eyed envy. This chilly debacle was soon remedied, however, by the George Foreman and an egg-dying bonanza that washed our cares away.

Sunday held its own delights. I woke up in the blitzingly early a.m. to go to a church service at which my roommate was playing/sight-reading in an Easter quintet. Due to navigating the CTA like never before (while wearing a truckload of black clothes as my Easter hat and petticoats wouldn't fit into the suitcase out of which I'm currently living), I made it on time and afterward enjoyed the company of musicians amidst the stylings of an Easter brunch including (in order of appearance) beer, mimosas, french toast and show-stopping ambrosia salad. After the champagne took its toll, a rainy 3:00 train ride provided access to the day's second house of worship, this time to see Jake's roommate Vicki's theater troupe's papier mâché-puppet-laden musical version of the Passion of Christ. Awesome. I've been waiting to see that performance for months (seriously), and it did not disappoint. Naturally, the papier mâché and the long, rainy ride home whetted our appetites for the day's second huge meal of jellybeans, beer, lamb, a million other savory tidbits, and collared greens.

Then I exploded. The end.

1It looks way impressive using kilometers, no?


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